Relief Efforts:
Earthquake Relief, Pisco, Peru - Worked with the Peruvian Consulate in New York to collect clothing, hospital beds, defibrillators wheel chairs and other first aid necessities for people affected by the earthquake tragedy in Pisco, Peru. Sponsored the delivery of a container with donations.
Supreme Consultants believes in giving back to the community. This has a special meaning in communities as culturally diverse as the ones we serve. We feel is important to get involved, specially when there is a dire need in humanity. Over the years Supreme Consultants has supported the following programs and has provided aid to the following natural tragedies:
Donation & Support:
Just One Soccer League – Sponsoring a children's team in a league that helps create a safe environment for children in unsafe areas. Supreme Consultants was selected as “Sponsor Of The Year 2007” for their contribution to the league and for participating and showing support in weekly matches.
Aids Walk – Support of participants who take part in this event organized to find better ways of responding to this challenge.
Christian Children’s Fund – Sponsor children from impoverished world areas to provide them with basic needs and shelter.
Case Management Organization – donate toys and clothing to youth from disadvantaged homes.
Healthy Bodies Healthy Minds Walk 2012!
The Care Management Organizations (CMO’s) of Northern NJ as a part of New Jersey’s Department of Children and Families-Children’s System of Care have teamed up with their System Partners known as the Family Support Organizations (FSO’s) and Youth Partnerships (YP’s) to host a very special event. Each year, these organizations have set out to raise awareness and erase the stigma associated with Mental Health in observance of Mental Health Awareness Month.
Team Supreme lent its support by sponsoring a vendor's table where many families were welcomed to participate in the many activities we had for them. Beautifully drawn face-paintings were created, fruits and water were distributed, and games were played for prizes for winners. Team Supreme rocked!
X-Mass Toy Drive 2011! :
This year we did it big and had santa leave his sled behind and bring out a truck loaded with toys deliver to our office. Supreme Team had a great time unloading and packing the toys to many kids in need. Thank you to the team for an outstanding job!
Soup Kitchen 2011!
Team Supreme gathered the troops and decided to pay a visit to The Hoboken Shelter soup kitchen and feed the hungry. The act of giving back whether with donations, funds or in this case time and food donations, is fast becoming part of our office culture. Giving a little of ourselves for the greater good of the community is a practice we must not give up on, Go Team Supreme!
Habitat for Humanity Volunteer Event April 2011
Habitat for Humanity partners with people in your community, and all over the world, to help them build or improve a place they can call home. Habitat homeowners help build their own homes alongside volunteers and pay an affordable mortgage. With your support, Habitat homeowners achieve the strength, stability and independence they need to build a better life for themselves and for their families. Through our 2020 Strategic Plan, Habitat for Humanity will serve more people than ever before through decent and affordable housing.
Toy Drive 2010!
This holiday season Supreme Consultants wanted to make this holiday season a little more special for the children we serve. Team Supreme huddled-up and orchestrated the Santa list, the purchasing, sorting, packing and delivering. A great effort that nourished our hearts and souls by practicing the act of giving.
Trick or Treat For Unicef 2010
Team Supreme made Trick or Treating special this Halloween by supporting Trick or Treat For Unicef.
Trick-or-Treat for UNICEF began 67 years ago as a way to help kids still affected by World War II. Since then, millions of children across the United States have gone door to door on Halloween with UNICEF collection boxes, calling out, "Trick-or-Treat for UNICEF!" The annual tradition of Kids Helping Kids® — involving donations big and small — has helped to raise more than $175 million since 1950.
Kleats 4 Kids Drive 2009!
Supreme Consultants joined forces with the NY/NJ Red Bulls and the Lyndhurst Youth Soccer Club to collect cleats for kids in need, participating in the Just One Soccer League in Newark, New Jersey. Though our "Kleats 4 Kids" donation drive, many youth and parents from the Lyndhurst community came together and donated soccer gear to this great organization that helps create a safe haven for children to practice this great sport. We thank the players from the Red Bulls soccer team for making themselves available for this great cause.
Just One Soccer League Sponsor Of The Year 2009!
Founded in 1996, Just One Soccer League (JOSL) is a recreational sport league providing a low cost option where community, friendship, togetherness, teamwork, and respect become powerful tools toward avoiding the challenges facing our community. Just One Neighborhood Program (JONP) supports our children by providing a safe environment that instills a sense of self, of belonging, where quality relationships instill pride and increase their capacity to succeed.
Pisco, Peru Earthquake Drive 2007!
Peru Earthquake Relief 2007: Supreme Consultants, in collaboration with the Peruvian Embassy of New York came together to hold a fund raiser and donation of emergency response materials for the people of Peru affected by the earthquake that hit Pisco in August of 2007.